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Self-Improvement on page 4

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Daily Letter - Faith & Life Planner Many Sparrows Paper Co.
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Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
The Daily Faith & Life Planner is designed to keep you organized in your physical life and faithful in your spiritual life. The left side of the spread is a planner for your day and the right is a devotional outline to encourage you to not only read God's word, but meditate on it for the rest of the day. This planner comes in letter size and is perfect for having a lot of room to write! Check out the Daily Faith & Life Planner in A5 size for on the go!
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Si te has interesado en la lectura de este escrito indudablemente ha de significar que tienes un emprendimiento en mente o que emprender es tu meta. ¿Quién no tendría por meta emprender? O al menos ¿Quién no querría o añoraría emprender? Con lo que todos sabemos que eso significa: Decirle adiós a los jefes, a los horarios exigidos, a esperar una quincena para recibir un salario... Y abrirle las puertas a la libertad en general y sobre todo, a la libertad económica, volverte tu propio jefe, alcanzar el éxito...Pero más importante que alcanzar el éxito en sí: ALCANZAR EL ÉXITO PERSONAL. Entendiendo el éxito personal como el éxito en aquello que te gusta, que te apasiona... En aquello ...
DEEPER Women Teach Dr. Leona Allen
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781732525320
If you are anything like me, life has taught you some lessons that have impacted how you lead, how you love, and how you live! Now that we’ve learned the lessons, it’s time for us to teach someone else; it's time to empower other women to walk boldly, beautifully, and brilliantly in their purpose regardless of their position. This book is for you and all of the women waiting to be empowered!
DEEPER Women Teach Jamia Ponder
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781732525320
If you are anything like me, life has taught you some lessons that have impacted how you lead, how you love, and how you live! Now that we’ve learned the lessons, it’s time for us to teach someone else; it's time to empower other women to walk boldly, beautifully, and brilliantly in their purpose regardless of their position. This book is for you and all of the women waiting to be empowered!
DEEPER Women Teach: Stories and Strategies for Life, Love, and Leadership from Women Who Lead Dr. Barbara Swinney
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781732525320
If you are anything like me, life has taught you some lessons that have impacted how you lead, how you love, and how you live! Now that we’ve learned the lessons, it’s time for us to teach someone else; it's time to empower other women to walk boldly, beautifully, and brilliantly in their purpose regardless of their position. This book is for you and all of the women waiting to be empowered!
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
¡Bienvenido seas en este recorrido para liberar tu mente y tu alma de los límites que te han impedido lograr tus metas hasta ahora! El mundo de la mente es un campo complicado – tanto para las diversas ramas de la ciencia como para el ser humano – pues es un lugar muy intrincado del cual muy poco se conoce, por ende, el adentrarse en él es además de ser interesante, siempre será un viaje muy fructífero. El propósito de este libro es iniciar el viaje más importante de tu vida: el de regreso hacia ti mismo – tus habilidades, potencialidades, destrezas, tus bondades y tus posibilidades-, el aceptarte, amarte y reconocerte como el creador de tu vida y por ende de sus consecuencias; por lo ...
Dimensions of Evolving, The Healing Journey Michelle Hall-Boggan
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
In Dimensions of Evolving, Michelle shares her story, information, insights, and ideas on the impact of life experiences and how different incidents can affect how we; see ourselves, feel, think, respond in relationships with others. This tiny treasure chest of knowledge covers the 8 Dimensions of Evolving. Illustrated on the art cover done by Nylah Boggan, Michelle's daughter, each Dimension is an integration of the different parts of wellness and areas of energy: Physical Safety, Personal Clarity, Relational Motivation, Emotional Information, Vocational Self Expression, Financial Insight, Spiritual Unification, and Social Illumination. The book provides a holistic approach to heali ...
Divorce Chronicles: Mistress In Distress Sommer Chaney
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Dr. Richard Steve Mitchell’s CAPRA Approach To Problem Solving Utilizing USA’s Federal Bureau of Investigative Methodologies Dr. Richard Mitchell
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
His assignments while with CSS, had him working with residence at the Keele Street Correctional Center, located at 333 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, doing advocacy - one on one and group counselling, visitation to Black Churches within the Community, informing them of the importance of getting involve and implantation of Restorative Justice, as well working and getting exposure with Circle of Support an organization which provides support and guidance for Sex-offenders also in partnership with Correctional Service Canada, days and times appointed by his supervisor the Rev. Harry Nigh, of Toronto Community Chaplin with Correctional Service Canada. Believe it or not, the Reverend Ric ...

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